Monday, November 10, 2008

Would you be able to match your glasses to your personality?

Match your eye glasses to your personality

In this competitive world of ours, image is everything. And even if you don't think of yourself as being 'image-oriented' deeper insight into your personality might lead to startling revelations. Either way, when it comes to choosing eyeglasses, it'll be worth your time to look for a style that fits your personality.

That's not to say that if you're feeling blue, you should opt for blue-colored frames or lenses. What it means is that before you head over to the 'discounted frame' section, you need to stop and think about who you are and how you live.

Are you older, younger or somewhere in between? Do you consider yourself to be trendy or conservative? Do you have a career or are you a student? What is your career or your area of study? Are you driven by name brands or do names not impress you? Do you look at eyeglasses as a fashion accessory or a necessary evil?

If you've answered these questions, you might wonder, 'Now what? So what if I'm days away from becoming a Baby Boomer and I work a desk job? How is this going to help me choose an eyeglass style?'

Well, one solution is to discuss these self-analysis results with your optician so that together you can work towards finding a suitable pair. A good optician will know which styles are 'in' and which are finally on their way 'out'. He or she may also be familiar with matching eyeglass shapes, styles and coloring to face shapes, much in the same way as a hairdresser can usually recommend a flattering hairstyle.

Plus an experienced optician will know the inventory well. He or she will know how long a particular pair will take to order, about the materials used in each of the various manufacturing processes and whether they're durable or delicate, about the total costs involved from start to finish for the various styles, and other types of useful information that you may not have thought about.

But if you're still confused as to which eyeglass style will best match your personality, here are a few more tips.

If you run in conservative circles, stick with conservative styles and colors. Neutral colors including brown, gray and silver and standard lens shapes such as rectangles and ovals are good choices.

If you prefer to be the center of attention, then choose eye glass styles that will get noticed. Look for unusual shapes and bold colors. If the price is right, get several pairs so you can mix and match with your wardrobe and other accessories.

If you like trends but want a style that has staying power, look at the newest materials being used for eyeglasses such as titanium, stainless steel and memory-metal.

Students and those with a creative or artistic flair look best in styles that help express their individuality. There are no rules here except to steer clear of 'traditional' styles.

Choose specialty styles if you need eyeglasses for a specific purpose such as working at a computer, eye protection, sports and hobbies or driving.

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