Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Holistic Approach To Vision Care


Improving Your Vision Naturally is a holistic approach to rebuilding your vision.

The analysis of what we see occurs in the brain. Our eyes gather information in the form of light, our brain then takes this information and analysis it, creating our very own world of vision. When we practice vision care it does not only allow us to see better, it also helps us perceive our surrounding better.

Most people will use natural vision improvement to see better. These same people become surprised when they start to improve in unrelated areas, like sports.  They will more easily understand what they are reading, perhaps play better if they are musicians.  And, they may even become less stressed and become more creative Every person will  benefit in a different way from natural vision improvement.  But, everyone will  benefit.  Now, remember, that vision improvement may not work when there are certain conditions, or certain diseases present.

Dr Bates actually was the forefather of natural vision improvement.  He developed this theory many years ago.

You can actually do this system from home.  There is a reputable Rebuilding Your Vision system available.  Depending on your own health condition, the following could be helped by this holistic approach.

Are you nearsighted?
Or, farsighted.
Are you suffering from aging vision?
Or, astigmatism?
Even tired eyes can be helped.
Does bright light bother you?
Computer eye strain (CSS)
Or how aboaut any of these: strabismus and amblyopia, glaucoma, macular degeneration.

Become pro-active with your eye care.

Here are some of the benefits of vision improvement by natural means:
Increase how clear you can see long distance,
See clearer close up,
Learn how to focus quicker,
Your eyes will become healthier, stronger and more fit,
Learn how to manage computer related strain,
Reduce your need for glasses/contacts,
Improve your depth perception,
Adapt much faster to light changes, dark or light,
And, you will have better balance,  better results in activities that use your eyes.

We exercise and look after all the other parts of our bodies.  Many health minded persons go to the gymn so they can have a healthy body.  Why not do the same with our eyes.  Let's get involved in our eye care.

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