Friday, October 31, 2008

Toric Contact Lenses

Toric Contact Lenses

For many years after their introduction contact lenses were able to easily correct nearsightedness or farsightedness, but nothing else. Changing the point at which light rays focus is a fairly straightforward task, though it does require careful crafting of the lens. But correcting some forms of astigmatism still required wearing glasses. Toric contact lenses ultimately solved that problem.

Nearsightedness causes light rays to focus in front of the retina. Farsightedness causes light rays to focus behind the retina. But, astigmatism denotes a condition in which the cornea, lens or the eyeball as a whole is misshapen. The effect is subtle, but small differences in the eye produce a large effect. Light rays get scattered in different directions, not just ahead of or behind the retina. Blurred vision results.

That multiple direction effect makes it more difficult to produce contact lenses (or even glasses) that will correct the condition. Toric lenses solve the problem by combining shapes. Regular contacts are shaped like a portion of a sphere. Toric lenses combine a spherical surface with a toroidal surface. A donut for example is a toroid, so is a cylinder when it wraps around to touch itself.

Though shaped differently, toric lenses are made of the same materials as other contact lens types. So, they can be soft, RGP or hard. But because they are a combination of shapes they can't be allowed to rotate around the eye like ordinary contacts. Also, all toric lenses are designed with multiple powers to tackle more than one vision problem at the same time, such as astigmatism and farsightedness together. Those features make them more difficult to manufacture correctly and eye exams and fitting are more complicated.

As a consequence, toric lenses tend to be more expensive and so are doctor visits to prescribe them. For some with only a mild astigmatism the extra expense can be avoided by using regular contact lenses. To a degree, the cornea will tend to conform to the shape of the lens. If the astigmatism is mild enough toric lenses may not be necessary. Only your eye care professional can say for sure, after an exam.

For those who do need toric lenses, the full range of choices is available and they work very well. Often, those with an astigmatism require contacts that achieve multiple goals. Multifocal lenses are an option. Toric lenses are available in disposable lens types, whether 2-day or 7-day or even 30-day. Many extended wear lenses come in a toric option, too.

For those who want to add a bit of color to their contact lens, toric styles also provide that range of options. Visibility tints make lenses easier to see, making them easier to handle and harder to lose. Enhanced or full color tints can subtly influence eye color or change it entirely. Colored toric lenses are available for that, too.

Check out the full catalog of choices in toric contact lenses and you're sure to find one just right for you.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

How Contact Lenses Are Made

How Contact Lenses Are Made

The history of the contact lens reaches back as far as Da Vinci, who sketched samples as early as 1508. The corneal contact lens was suggested later by the famed mathematician and philosopher Rene Descartes, in 1632.

But the modern contact lens really has its beginning around the turn of the 20th century. Adolf Fick gets the credit for inventing the first practical pair in 1887. But, it was Carl Zeiss, the famed lensmaker, who developed a glass contact lens that fit over the cornea that formed the prototype for all later work.

It was still to be several decades before Touhy invented the first plastic corneal lens, using Plexiglas as a material. In 1954 the keratometer was invented, making it possible to take eye measurements without physical contact, eliminating the need for molds from impressions of the eye. While work began in 1952, it wasn't until 1971 that the modern hydrophilic soft contact lenses came on the market.

That word, 'hydrophilic' (which means 'water loving'), is the key to contemporary contact lenses. Today's lenses are made of a plastic polymer (pHEMA) that allows the contact lens to absorb water. That makes it flexible and therefore comfortable.

Some lenses were formed in a molding process called spin-casting, where the plastic is spun into the desired shape. Today, injection molding is more common. Early methods required final shaping with a lathe, but today the process is so accurate the lenses can be made entirely through molding alone.

The lathe process may still be used in some areas of the world, though, especially for hard contact lenses that still make up anywhere up to 25% of those sold. The percentage varies by country. In this method a small circle called a blank is cut from a plastic rod and fastened onto a lathe with wax. It is spun rapidly and cut using a diamond or laser. The lens is then polished with a specially formulated abrasive.

The lens has to be finished to fit the patient's eye exactly. That's carried out by polishing the result into precise curves on both sides of the lens. Today, a computer controls the process, which is kept accurate by being fed information from the individual patient using data gathered during the eye examination.

The lens is then sterilized, often by being boiled in salt water for several hours, which also softens it. They're then packaged in a glass vial containing a sterile saline (salt water) solution. Because the lens material is hydrophilic it absorbs much of the solution, making it up to 75% water in the end. Because the solution is similar to human tears that moisturize the eye, the contact feels good and works well during use.

Research continues into finding materials that are longer lasting, more comfortable and safer to use. Some relatively recent advances, for example, include the Rigid Gas Permeable lens (RGP) invented in 1979, but marketed much later. They allow more oxygen to pass directly to the eye. That makes them more comfortable and safer to use over the long term.

Disposable lenses continue to advance, adding UV absorption to their attributes. Extended wear lenses, too, have improved in the past few years. Many can now be worn continuously for as long as a week to a month. On the leading edge are new implantable contact lenses that are actually placed into the eye and never require changing or cleaning.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Understanding Laser Eye Surgery Risk

There is nothing better or safer then having perfect vision, when it comes to eyesight. There is a lot more to it then just not having to deal with contacts or glasses anymore and blurred vision can really affect your day-to-day living. You are generally stuck unless you carry around spares, if you break your glasses while out or find that you have dropped a contact.

More and more people are turning to laser eye surgery to correct their vision because of all of the inconveniences of not having perfect vision. There must be an understanding that there is a laser eye surgery risk involved, before anyone goes and makes the leap to perfect vision.

There is a lot that must be clearly understood before taking on such a procedure when  it comes to laser eye surgery risk. When you are dealing with your eyes, you really should pay extra attention to your chance of encountering a terrible risk, as you could be left blind, of course, as with any type of surgery, there are always risks involved. It is much easier to make an informed decision on whether or not you want to go through with the procedure, once the laser eye surgery risk is clearly understood. It is found that even though there is a laser eye surgery risk involved, many people still go through with the surgery and come out with excellent results.

Risks Involved

When speaking of laser eye surgery, most people believe that lasik eye surgery is the only way to go, but that is just one of the many different eye surgery options out there. As with them all, the lasik eye surgery risk is still there and should be thought about carefully.  Most of the eye surgeries have the same type of risks involved, generally speaking. It is important to understand the laser eye surgery risk is there for the few that end up with complications, the chances of true vision-threatening risks are small, but they are still there.

There is the chance of infection, as with any type of surgery, or just the matter of taking a lot longer to heal then expected or desired. there is the small chance that your eyes will be overcorrected or even under corrected, because this type of procedure is not yet a perfect art. Also, a laser eye surgery risk is regression, which means that slowly, over time, the eyes will go back to having the bad vision they started with. Regression is the simplest risk because no real harm is caused and a second surgery is generally acceptable, unlike the other types of risks.

When it comes to laser eye surgery risk, there is a lot that must be clearly known before undergoing such a operation...Read more no cost articles at

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Lasik Eye Surgery Tips

The eye is a fragile and delicate structure that supplies the brain with information about the world that we see. Problems affecting the eye range from infections to impaired vision. The image forming mechanism of the eye consists of the cornea, iris and retina. Recent technology has made Lasik Eye Surgery an easy alternative to failing eyes and eye care problems. Impaired vision is the result of a problem with the retina and the cornea, since the brain receives and interprets electrical impulses generated by images falling onto the retina.

Long sightedness is a visual impairment resulting from too short a distance in the eye between the cornea and the retina. Focusing the eye on close objects becomes difficult. Conversely, short sightedness is caused by too long a focal length in the eye or excessive curvature. As a result, the eye will find it hard to see objects at a distance. Astigmatism is another vision disorder that results if the eyeball is not a perfect sphere. We cannot see clearly if the eye is not in the right shape to allow proper focusing of the image attributes on the retina.

All these refractive errors can be corrected using lenses. The power of these lenses is prescribed by our ophthalmologist after testing our eyes. Many people do not like to wear prescription glasses because they are a hassle for those with active lifestyles and they tend to become an eyesore in social situations. For people looking for an alternative to wearing glasses, lasik eye surgery is a fantastic option. Lasik eye surgery, also known as laser in-situ keratomileusis, lifts a section of the cornea allowing a laser to remove any exposed tissue before the cornea section is replaced. If seeking an eye surgery that is less painful and faster to recover from, lasik eye surgery is the way to go.

The only major qualification is a thick cornea, so it is ideal for most. People with vision impairments, such as short sightedness and mild long sightedness, tend to show the best results. For individuals who do not wish to wear corrective lenses, lasik eye surgery is a viable alternative. It is recommended however that individuals who have had lasik eye surgery have regular eye exams to prevent complications from arising. It is also important to remember that the eyes should not be rubbed vigorously following the procedure.


Monday, October 27, 2008

Understanding There Are Lasik Eye Surgery Side Effects

Whether you are going for a major surgery that involves an extended stay in a hospital or you are going to the eye doctors for lasik eye surgery, there are always risks involved and it is important to make sure that you have done your homework so that you are fully aware of what you are getting into. Lasik eye surgery side effects are a real thing and it is something that should be taken seriously as the side effects can be anywhere from inconvenient to very painful.

Whether you are taking the time to sit one on one with your eye care professional or you are just doing extensive research on the internet, it is important to make sure that all of your questions and concerns are addressed and answered in a way that you fully understand everything. Most of the procedures done are completed with excellent results and no troubles at all as lasik eye surgery side effects do not happen in most patients. This means your chance for actually being the person that ends up with laser eye surgery complications is small, but it is always present.

The Most Common Problems

The most complained about problem with lasik eye surgery side effects is that of regression. Regression is where your eyes slowly go back to having bad vision, which means that after the surgery, a person could find that they still need to have glasses or contacts. While this is not painful in any way, it can be extremely irritating after everything the person went through in hopes of having better vision. It also means more money and more chances or lasik eye surgery side effects if they want to go through the procedure a second time in hopes of getting it right.

One thing that could be very painful though is that of an infection as infections can cause the healing process to slow down a good bit. It can be messy and painful but normally not vision threatening. While these are the more common of the lasik eye surgery side effects, there are many more to read about.

Some of the side effects are so small that if a person did end up with them, they may not even notice. Either way, it is important to know everything there is to know about lasik eye surgery side effects before heading in to make your appointment. Being informed is the best thing you can do for your eyes and for your overall health.

lasik eye surgery side effects do not happen in most patients as most of the operations done are completed with excellent outcomes and no troubles at all. Also, visit

Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Holistic Approach To Vision Care


Improving Your Vision Naturally is a holistic approach to rebuilding your vision.

The analysis of what we see occurs in the brain. Our eyes gather information in the form of light, our brain then takes this information and analysis it, creating our very own world of vision. When we practice vision care it does not only allow us to see better, it also helps us perceive our surrounding better.

Most people will use natural vision improvement to see better. These same people become surprised when they start to improve in unrelated areas, like sports.  They will more easily understand what they are reading, perhaps play better if they are musicians.  And, they may even become less stressed and become more creative Every person will  benefit in a different way from natural vision improvement.  But, everyone will  benefit.  Now, remember, that vision improvement may not work when there are certain conditions, or certain diseases present.

Dr Bates actually was the forefather of natural vision improvement.  He developed this theory many years ago.

You can actually do this system from home.  There is a reputable Rebuilding Your Vision system available.  Depending on your own health condition, the following could be helped by this holistic approach.

Are you nearsighted?
Or, farsighted.
Are you suffering from aging vision?
Or, astigmatism?
Even tired eyes can be helped.
Does bright light bother you?
Computer eye strain (CSS)
Or how aboaut any of these: strabismus and amblyopia, glaucoma, macular degeneration.

Become pro-active with your eye care.

Here are some of the benefits of vision improvement by natural means:
Increase how clear you can see long distance,
See clearer close up,
Learn how to focus quicker,
Your eyes will become healthier, stronger and more fit,
Learn how to manage computer related strain,
Reduce your need for glasses/contacts,
Improve your depth perception,
Adapt much faster to light changes, dark or light,
And, you will have better balance,  better results in activities that use your eyes.

We exercise and look after all the other parts of our bodies.  Many health minded persons go to the gymn so they can have a healthy body.  Why not do the same with our eyes.  Let's get involved in our eye care.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Window To The Soul. Make Sure You Preserve It

This mystery goes straight from the eyes to the brain...and then, where does it go from there?

I am searching and delving into the mystery of the eye.  How is it that our eyes are an actual extension of our inner being, a mirror to our soul and spirit?  What is it that our eyes are connected to that gives them so much life?  So much expression?

The eyes, as we all know by now, are more efficient than any computer created by man. We already know that the eyes are connected to the brain, physically.This connection makes the difference between what we see, and how our brain interprets what we see.  The eyes look...the bran tells us what we see when we look.

This is where the vast field of illusions comes into being.  We see what we see, our eyes do not fool us, but our brain does, it turns around and says “nope, that is not what you see...this is what you see”.  Amazing isn’t it.  Our brain and our eyes are at war.  Mostly the brain wins.

But, where does the physical eye connect to so that we are able to see hate in someone's eyes?Let me say it another way.  How is it possible that we can express emotions in our eyes?  I mean, to actually see this emotion in the physical appearance of the eyes.  Where does that come from?  How does that happen?

This is why we all like to look into each others eyes when we talk.  When we love someone, we can stare for hours into our partner's eyes.  Obviously, it’s not just to look at two marble like objects.  So, where do our eyes connect so that we can see love in each other, actually see love physically?

What's that about, that our eyes can connect to our soul, our spirit, and convey what we feel?

I remember on one occasion, at someone's funeral, it was the first time I had a true glimpse into a friend's soul, just by looking into their eyes.  It is a moment I will never forget. EVER!

What about when you look at someone and you see hate?  Is that person allowing you to see this emotion, or, is this emotion a part of the natural process of us being human, and so it naturally shows itself?

We see hate in the eyes, we see love, fear, compassion and even confusion in the eyes.

How often have you looked deep into a friend’s eyes, and seen tenderness?

The eye is a little oval object in our body.  Yet, it seems to be able to hold the very essence of our being at any given time.

This mystery goes straight from the eyes to the brain...and then, where does it go from there?

Keep your eyes healthy for as long as you can.  Become pro-active in your eye care

Friday, October 24, 2008

What is a Laser Eye Correction Surgery?

People who need restoration of their normal eyesight can choose to get laser eye corrective surgery. If you have been experiencing severe eyesight problems and you want to cure it in a fast and easy way, then you can decide on a corrective laser eye surgery. You can easily regain the lost vision that you have greatly suffered from for years, by subjecting yourself to a minor operation. You can instantly reverse your vision problems and bring it back to a perfect 20/20 vision, through a simple clinical procedure.

Laser Eye Correction Surgery and its Types

Basically, there are two known types of a laser eye correction surgery, namely: the PRK (PhotoRefractive Keratectomy) and LASEK (Laser Assisted Sub-Epithelial Keratomileusis). The two procedures work in an almost similar way. However, there is slight difference with the use of both techniques. Perhaps the first difference would be the method on how to correct the cornea, and the second would be the healing process.

Both follow the same process of numbing the eye by drop instillation, even though they are considered to be two different procedures. While the patient is wide awake, the first step in the surgery is performed. Of course, the patient should be relaxed at the time of the surgery to ensure safety and security while the procedure is being conducted.

A PRK laser eye correction surgery involves a scraping process or ablation of the cornea to remove the "defective" epithelial lining. In the LASEK procedure, a cutting method is used to create a flap or a new layer of cornea instead. The first step of the procedure is the removal of the topmost lining of the cornea. It will be followed later on by growth of a new layer through the Excimer laser. There are varying degrees as to how the reshaping process should come about in every person. If precise measurements (mapping and reshaping) are used better results are to be expected.

Laser Eye Correction Surgery and its Uses

A laser eye correction surgery can be used for several means. Nowadays, it has been widely used by people to correct the simplest or the most complex of problems. If you are financially capable of a laser eye correction surgery, then you can be ready to eliminate your vision problems anytime you want to. All you need to do is find a good doctor who can perform it on you and the rest follows as your surgeons have planned.

Depending on the cause of the condition, Laser eye correction surgery can be used for blindness. More often than not, the patients who subject themselves to the operation are those who are suffering from eyesight problems. If your vision used to be 70/150, it can easily be corrected by laser to a near 20/20. Truly, the laser eye correction surgery is one of the most useful tools ever innovated in man's history.

If you have been experiencing terrible eyesight problems and you want to cure it fast, then you can decide on a laser eye correction surgery. Visit for more articles.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Eye Care Exams Help You Maintain Good Eye Sight

Being your windows to the world it is important to keep your eyes in good condition. Remember your eyes are subject to wear and tear be it from the ultra violet rays of the sun, pollution and dust in the air, transmittable diseases or stress from looking at a computer screen all day.

We all regularly go to our family doctors for a physical exam to check how our overall health is.  The minority take their health for granted. Why is it then that many of us exclude our eye sight from the annual checkup? To guarantee healthy and normal vision, an annual visit to your eye doctor for your eye care exam is important.

Our brain receives sensory information from our eyes giving us a clear picture of our surrounds. Therefore keeping them in optimum shape will ensure proper signals being received by the brain insuring consequential action and reactions. If your vision is deteriorating your life performance will be affected.

We recommend that eye care exams should start from a very early age, that is even babies of 2-6 months should have their eyes checked to correct any abnormalities, while children entering primary school and again when entering secondary school should also have eye care exams which will detect any vision problems allowing corrective action to be taken to rectify the problem.

Unfortunately, as we age it becomes more important to have an eye care exam performed yearly, so that every time you visit your eye doctor they can evaluate any changes in your vision condition and help you correct any difficulties that you may have with your sight. Early diagnosis of problems will decrease the chance of severe damage to our sight.

It is proven that Elderly citizens are more susceptible to vision loss, they should be aware that the probability of having vision disorders increases with age, even though you might not be experiencing any problem, therefore you should visit your eye doctor regularly for an eye care exam.

Eye care exams are painless and informative methods for the assessment of your eyes. The eye doctors will test your visual acuity, (the clarity of your vision). During the eye care exam, the doctor will also check the muscles of the eyes, eye pressure, fluid circulation, retina and general condition of your eyes.. The routine eye examination is not painful or uncomfortable.

Doctors Who Do Eye Care Exams

Ophthalmologists are doctor’s who specialize in the comprehensive care of the eyes and visual system in the prevention of eye disease injury. They are medically trained specialists who can deliver total eye care exams, primary, secondary and tertiary care services and diagnose general diseases of the eyes.

Whereas the Optometrist is the health care professional who provides only primary care services. The services included are the comprehensive eye health and vision examinations: treatment and diagnosis of the vision disorders and eye diseases; the detection of general health problems; they prescribe the glasses, contact lenses, vision therapy, low vision rehabilitation and medications.

How Often Should You Have A Regular Eye Care Exam?

If you are having difficulties with your eyes, pain or visual disturbances or any other problem in the eyes, you should immediately make an appointment to see an eye doctor. However, if you are in good health and no known ailments, no vision problems, you can have an eye exam every two to four years provided your age is below forty.  However, for people with diabetes, you need frequent eye examinations to maintain good eye health.

The old adage "prevention is better than a cure”, so make sure you are aware of your vision and if you note any deterioration get on down and have an eye care exam.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Laser Eye Surgery Facts Help Patients Understand The Process

People who grow tired of wearing glasses or believe they look better without them may turn to corrective surgery using laser technology to restore their visual acuity. Before heading out to an all-night laser surgical center people need to get all the laser eye surgery facts they can find to insure they are making the right choice. Not everyone will make a good candidate for lasik surgery and by perusing the available laser eye surgery facts people can quickly determine if they qualify. They can then read about what to expect to determine if they want to follow through with the operation.

Pointing to the success rate of the procedure there are several laser eye surgery facts. Learning what can be expected before the surgery, during the surgery and the appropriate follow up care is an important part of the decision-making process and the laser eye surgery facts can help provide that information as well. If it is being done strictly for cosmetic purposes most insurance policies do not cover the surgery.

Those who wear contacts might have to wait while their eyes return to their normal shape before having the surgery performed, meaning they will have to wear glasses until the day of the operation. They may also have to wear glasses to correct the vision in the one eye that is not corrected according to the available laser eye surgery facts.

Success Rates Are In Potential Patients' Favor

Despite the risks associated with laser surgery, the lasik eye surgery statistics are in favor of the patients as there are many more success stories than there are of surgeries that go horribly wrong. While the risk factors are included in the laser eye surgery facts, the experience and knowledge of the surgeon performing the operation will greatly increase the odds of success.

The patient will be under local anesthetic only with a local sedative for the eye on which the operation is being performed. The patient will go home the same day to begin the healing process in most cases and with the appropriate follow up care, their recovery ends with much better vision then before the operation.

Being able to afford the operational costs may seem daunting for some. The laser eye surgery facts point out that it can be a significant cost savings over the years following the surgery when the cost of eye exams and glasses over their lifetime is calculated.

Thiking about getting laser eye surgery? Check out this awesome no cost article, Laser Eye Surgery Facts. To browse more articles on laser eye surgery visit,

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